Friday, November 22, 2013

These 5 Foods will be Here Long After the Apocalypse

These 5 Foods will be Here Long After the Apocalypse

We’ve talked recently about foods you should be stocking up on, foods you should be growing and
even earlier today how to make biltong. But even with all that the foods that you store, grow or cure they all have a shelf life to them.

Even though a can of beans should last 15 – 25 years, despite the printed expiration date, there is no guarantee that when you open it up several years from now they will still be good.
There are 5 foods that you can store that are guaranteed to last longer than the apocalypse.

A recent guest post on The Blue Collar Prepper from the owner of Survival dump lists the 5 foods that you definitely want plenty of in your pantry that are sure to last longer than anything else you put in there:


Although, depending on who you talk to, salt may not technically be a “food,” this mineral has been used in conjunction with food for the better part of, well, forever. Evidence of salt extraction operations dates back about 9,000 years. To give you some scope, the wheel wasn’t invented until about 3,000 years later. Being a mineral instead of any sort of organic material, salt is completely immune to microbial attack. That means that it won’t spoil, and it helps prevent spoilage in other foods.


Honey is a wonderful substance. Unlike salt, it is 100% organic. It’s also 100% healthy for you to eat. Raw honey has natural antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-fungal properties, it boosts the human immune system, and can even be used to soothe symptoms associated with the common cold. It’s high in calories, so in a low-food situation it will give you much needed energy on an otherwise empty stomach.

Dried White Rice

If properly stored, white rice can last upwards of 30 years in storage. I know that doesn’t sound too impressive compare to the forever shelf lives of salt and honey, but come on, 30 years is a really long time. If you were to start your food storage on the day you were born, and live to be 90 years old, you’d only have to replace this stuff maybe three times. White rice also has a variety of uses.

Freeze Dried Foods

Freeze dried foods are made by rapidly freezing meals, and then leaching the water from them leaving only a frozen, dry substance that can be easily packaged and stored. Adding a little boiling water will reconstitute the food into something not only edible, but downright palatable and healthy.

Dehydrated Foods

Although not quite as long-lasting as freeze dried meals, dehydrated foods still have long shelf lives. This is because they follow the same basic process: moisture is removed and then the item is packaged.

The difference is that with conventional dehydration techniques, only about 90% of the moisture is removed (as opposed to freeze drying, which removes approximately 98% of the moisture). Thus, dehydrated foods only last about 15–20 years before needing to be replaced. Still, that’s really not bad, when you think about it.

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